Barbarian Quest Journal
Tjenna! Jag heter Henri och är en skön kille på drygt 40 vårar. Jag funderar på att prova på 2nd ed Pathfinder och min förebild Röjnes kampanj Abomination Vault. Ny programvara, Foundry, så kanske att det funkar lite bättre än Maptools? Jag brukar kanske inte idas lägga upp info på mina PC:s varje gång, men får jag feeling så kanske jag gör en insats denna gång. Snor i så fall upplägget från någon annan spelares sida. Hare!
Hallåhejsan! Det är jag som är Rolf. Lyssar också till Rölf, Valentino Moreno och Rodogodolfo, kärt barn har många namn! Lite upptagen med att fylla min nya lägenhet med äggkokare m.m., men kommer inom kort att lägga upp information om min nya PC. Snor nog upplägget och HTML-koden från min bästis Pärs sida
Gardner Barnes
Strength +4
Dexterity +3
Constitution +1
Intelligence 0
Wisdom +1
Charisma 0
Ancestry Human (Absalomian)
Heritage Versatile human
Background Miner
Class Ranger 1
Age 22
Height/Weight 5′7″ (170 cm)/154 lbs (70 kg)
Deity or philosophy Erastil (family, farming, hunting, and trade)
Languages Common, Elven
Saves Fort +7/Ref +8/Wis +4
AC 18
Hit points 20
Hero points 1
Light pick +7/1d4+4
Two light picks
Arrows × 40
Studded leather
Flint and steel
Healer’s toolkit
Torch × 3
Magic Items
Copper 0
Silver 5
Gold 1
Platinum 0
Skill proficiency | T | E | M | L | Value |
Acrobatics | × | +6 | |||
Athletics | × | +7 | |||
Medicine | × | +4 | |||
Mining lore | × | +3 | |||
Nature | × | +4 | |||
Perception | × | × | +6 | ||
Religion | +1 | ||||
Stealth | × | +6 | |||
Survival | × | +4 | |||
Thievery | +3 |
Feats and Abilities
Ancestry feats
Natural ambition
Background skill feats
Terrain expertise (underground)
Class feats
Twin takedown
Initiate warden
Class features
Hunt prey
Hunter’s edge (Flurry)
“You’re a daisy if you do.”
Gardner Barnes was born and raised in Galizhur, a mining settlement on the southern coast of the Isle of Kortos. Like his father and brothers, he has been a miner and lumberjack most of his life. From an early age, having already spent months on end in isolated work camps in the wilderness, he knew how to patch up wounds, repair broken bones, and stop bleeding cuts.
Life at home was equally harsh, sometimes brutal, and his parents taught him not to cry. Gardner was a sensitive child who grew up fast, simply because he had to.
During his years laboring underground and hauling timber through the woods, Gardner has seen and experienced many strange things that he cannot understand. It all began years ago when he, as a young boy, discovered a face in the tree that he was about to sink his axe into.
After that, there were all sorts of sightings, or signs, as Gardner chose to call them. For some reason, they always seemed to find him. Runes and other mysterious carvings in the mines, overgrown stone circles that were not there before, massive slabs too large for any man to move, crude dolls and disturbing stick figures left behind in eerie abandoned huts, skulls resting on wooden stakes by the waterline, that kind of stuff. And sometimes a sudden glimt of the creatures, rarely seen but their presence always felt, living and crawling within the dark bowels of the earth.
A few years ago, Gardner found a tiny black stone in an oily creek. The stone was covered with signs, or letters, that appeared to spin around on the smooth surface when he was not looking at it. The same evening the stone began to speak to him, a silent voice inside his head urging him to do the most hideous things. Terrified yet intrigued, Gardner showed the stone to Wrin Sivinxi, the eccentric collector and owner of Wrin’s Wonders in Otari, a town further up the coast with the largest lumber mill in the area. Without a word, the horned woman put one hand on his forehead, grabbed the stone with the other, and promptly placed it in her pocket. When Gardner finally came to, waking up dazzled on the shop’s floor, Wrin paid him handsomely, and then made him swear never to tell anyone about his find.
When Gardner left the shop, his curiosity was piqued. Apparently, there was money to be made here, and he knew a lot more places like that creek. He has been a regular visitor to the shop ever since, and while most of Gardner’s recent bringings have been of no interest to Wrin, he enjoys listening to her accompanying stories, typically about great people, dread secrets, and distant places far away. However fascinating these tales may be though, most of them Gardner does not understand. Lately, he has become desperately aware that he has seen very little of this island, and nothing else for that matter.
Another frequent visitor to Wrin’s shop is Chet Wilkington, a well-dressed nobleman obsessed with artifacts and old ruins who has recently returned home from Absalom. He usually carries an over-sized book (his “tome”), and he definitely reads a lot. Gardner has even watched him visiting the library. Chet obviously knows a great deal about the island’s history, as he likes to give long lectures on the subject.
Gardner has an identical pair of miner’s picks tucked in his belt, a rare gift from his proud father given to him and his twin brother Sawyer on their much anticipated fourteenth birthday, the day when they would be old enough to work beside the men, and prove themselves as able miners. The following morning, Sawyer was killed in a cave-in when the mountain floor collapsed beneath him, and a giant black hole swallowed him forever. Sawyer’s death was a momentous loss that Gardner has never been able to get over. He keeps his brother’s pick to remind him, lest he ever forgets, that it should have been him instead that walked into the mine on that fateful day.
Gardner has an unhealthy habit of brooding about the past, especially when there is nothing else to do. He still mourns his brother, constantly blaming himself for not being there when Sawyer died all those years ago. Riddled with guilt and self-doubt, he is certain of his own imminent death. The omens are everywhere, as they always have been.
Along with his two picks, Gardner carries a small backpack and a shortbow for hunting.
Chet Wilkington
Strength +2
Dexterity +4
Constitution 0
Intelligence +3
Wisdom 0
Charisma 0
Ancestry Human
Heritage Versatile Human
Background Ruin Delver
Age 25
Height 6′ (183 cm)
Weight 176 lbs (80 kg)
Worshiper of Cayden Cailean (ale, bravery, freedom, and wine)
Class Magus 1
Class notes Starlit Span
Languages Aklo, dwarven, under common, common, elven
Saves 5/7/5
AC 18
Hit points 18
Rapier +7/1D6+1
Shortbow +7/1D6
-Flint and Steel
Clothing (Fine but worn)
Leather Armor
5 Sacks
Magic Items
Platinum 0
Gold 6
Silver 0
Copper 0
Skill Proficiency | T | E | M | L | Value |
Acrobatics | X | +7 | |||
Arcana | X | +6 | |||
Athletics | X | +4 | |||
Crafting | |||||
Deception | |||||
Diplomacy | X | +3 | |||
Intimidation | |||||
Cavern Lore | X | +6 | |||
Otari Lore | X | +6 | |||
Roseguard Lore | X | +6 | |||
Medicine | |||||
Nature | |||||
Occultism | X | +6 | |||
Performance | |||||
Religion | |||||
Society | X | +6 | |||
Stealth | X | +7 | |||
Survival | |||||
Thievery |
Class feats and abilities
Cat Fall: Treat falls as 10' shorter. Acrobatics E/M/L, increases effect to 25'/50'/no damage.
Arcane Cascade: Most recent action has to be spellcasting or Spellstrike. While in the stance, melee Strikes deal 1 extra force damage. Makes attacks magical.
Arcane Spellcasting (Magus)
Conflux Spells: Shooting Star - A projectile that leaves a blazing trail. Ranged Strike, ignoring concealment and reducing the target's cover by one degree. On hit, the benefits of concealment negation and cover reduction to any attacks made against the creature (by anyone) remains until the start of next turn.
Hybrid Study: Starlit Span - Use Spellstrike with ranged weapon, up to the first range increment. Works even if spell range is shorter than the range increment of your ranged attack.
Caustic Blast: Fling a glob of acid (up to 30') that detonates, spraying creatures (5' radius), 1d8 acid damage. Reflex save for half damage, critical failure results in 1 persistent acid damage (DC 15 to end).
Deep Breath: Take an incredibly deep breath and can hold it for 10 minutes. You don't lose breath when hit, but you do lose all the air you inhaled if you speak (including to Cast a Spell).
Detect Magic: Detect magic in area, move max half speed.
Gale Blast: Wind blast in 5' radius. Each creature in the area takes 1d6 bludgeoning, with a Fortitude save.
Gouging Claw: Morph limb into a clawed appendage and make a melee spell attack. A hit deals 2d6 slashing or piercing damage, +2 persistent bleed damage.
Light: Orb of light, bright 20' radius, dim another 20', in a color you choose. Can be attached to willing creature, causing it to float near as it moves. You can move the light up to 60' and attach or detach it from a creature. Maximum 4 active, up to 24 hours.
Read Aura: Detect magic on items, gain +2 on attempts to identify.
Shield: You raise a magical shield of force, +1 AC until the start of next turn. You can use the Shield Block reaction. The shield has Hardness 5. Can reduce damage from any spell or magical effect, even if it doesn't deal physical damage. After you use Shield Block, the spell ends and you can't cast it again for 10 minutes.
Telekinetic Projectile: Hurl object (1 Bulk or less). Spell attack roll, Damage 1d6+spellcasting ability modifier (B/P/S).
Level 1
Create Water: Water begins to flow forth from hands. You create 2 gallons of water. If no one drinks it, it evaporates after 1 day
Grease: Area 4 5-foot squares or 1 object (1 Bulk or less) within 30'. Reflex or Acrobatics check against your spell DC or fall prone. Unattended object - make Acrobatics check or Reflex save against your spell DC to pick up. Attended object - make Acrobatics check or Reflex save. Failure, –2 circumstance penalty to all checks that involve using the object; on a critical failure, drops the item. Worn object - the wearer gains a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves against attempts to grapple them.
Runic Weapon The target becomes a +1 striking weapon, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the number of weapon damage dice to two.
Shocking Grasp: On a hit, target takes 2d12 Electricity damage. If target is wearing metal armour, you gain a +1 to your Attack roll, and target also takes 1d4 persistent damage on a hit. On a critical hit, double the initial, not the persistent.
Chet is the only child of Wilfred and Margaret Wilkington. The couple had their child late in life, 52 and 45 years respectively. Wilfred is of the old and formerly prominent Wilkington family, that made their fortune as a logging company almost 2 centuries ago. The family used to own vast areas of land, but due to some bad investments, the family was forced to sell off most of it about 50 years ago. Today the only thing left of the family fortune is the old and rundown manor in Otari. The family has been living off of any trinkets they could find buyers for, e.g. rare books from the library, silver cutlery and crystal chandeliers. Not that they have been living a lavish life by any means; the house and grounds are in dire need of care, they all wear fancy, but old, worn and patched clothes etc. Margaret has been filling out the coffers by monetising her sowing skills and Wilfred has also been acting as a storyteller, making use of his extensive historic knowledge.
Chet didn't lack much growing up, and loved to listen to his father reading aloud from one of the many books in the private library. The family's life was very care free and laid back, considering their dire financial situation. As Chet grew older, friends started teasing him about his look and weathered clothes, which made him long for something better. He also started to hang around Wrin Sivinxi's shop Wrin's Wonders, where he could see up close the spoils of magical wonders that explorers would bring in. There he sometimes also found Gardner Barnes, a young man who seemed to share his interest in artefacts and magical trinkets.
Sensing a drive in young Chet, that he himself was sorely lacking, Wilfred used his presence at the tavern to look for a suitable contact among the visiting adventurers, that could take on the inquisitive youth. The first person to show interest was a veteran ruin delver, René Giraud, that was scouting amongst the local ruins for interesting objects for which to mount a proper expedition. René agreed to train Chet in exchange for a sizeable part of the Wilkington library. Chet has now been away to René's home in Absalom for about 3 years and have just returned to Otari to test his own mettle. His hopes are high that he'll be able to restore the family name in no time, with the hauls he's about to find, just around next corner…
Chet can come of as slightly haughty and stiff, a testament of his family's prominent past, but he is usually polite and correct in most social settings. He is very inquisitive and hungry for knowledge, and offers his own knowledge freely and without condescension towards those with lesser education. He is free-spirited and detests obligations in all forms. His education would have been a problem, if he hadn't had a genuin interest in bettering himself. He sees his drive to perfect his skills as a means to an end, which is to again make the name Wilkington a synonym to prominence in Otari (and Beyond), not for his own fame and renown. He loves to be prepared, and is seldom the one who runs head along into danger, but his caution shouldn't be mistaken for fear. Thrifty to a fault, but won't hesitate to invest in anything that he can foresee will pay off well in the long run.
If not particularly tall, he's slender frame and good posture gives the impression of him being quite long. He has long, well kept raven hair, framing an expressive face with high cheekbones, regal nose and big ears. He is most often clean shaved, but likes to vary a bit by sporting a Van Dyke beard or leaving a small soul patch on his chin. He dresses well, but his current attire are very worn and patched. He loves jewellery, such as rings, earrings, wrist bands etc, but if one would take a closer look, it would be quite obvious that most of the items are inexpensive knick-knacks.
Trace: • Barbarian Quest Journal