Treasures Found
1 potion cure moderate → Lucius Marius Pomponius19 +1 pilar → Lucius Marius Pomponius“Magisk” silverdolk (ingen effekt) → Elasar AlazarioMW comp long bow → Lucius Marius PomponiusMW spearMW chain maillight crossbow → Zonk80 gp1675 gp för sålt skrot från tidigare fynd 335 gp/skalle200 gp/skalle i betalning från stadsvakten
Eals End
Ring of Feather Falling→ Elasar AlazarioPotion of Invisibility→ TertiealPorion of Cure Moderate Wounds→ ZonkElixir of Love→ ZyriahScroll Blur (CL 2)→ ZyriahAmulet 450gpHalsband 550gpDryckeshorn 45gp600 gp- Corvosa Medals of Honor for each of us
Säck med slantar 500gp1000 gp Bribe money- Split: 600 gp each
Necromancer Cave
Vampire Lair
Pipes of Sounding→ Lucius Marius PomponiusRing of Jumping→ TertiealBoots of Striding and Springing→ Zonk
Fake remedy
- Reward: 200gp each
Long Sword (MW) → 150 gpSilver Dagger (MV)→ Elasar AlazarioChain Mail (MV) → 150gp12 Alchemist Fire in Box4 Cure Moderate Wounds→ SplitUrn (Magic)→ Ever Smoking Bottle → 2000gp and 2 Remove Decease spells → split 400gp eachSilver Rapier +1→ Elasar AlazarioChain Shirt +1→ Elasar Alazario
Manor de Macabre
1 Potion of Invisibility→ Elasar AlazarioLight Crossbow +1→ ZyriahStudded Leather +1 GlammeredWand of Cats Grace (10 charges)→ ZyriahSack with a lot of jewelry from the house and guests.→ Returned to owner of house
3 Plague bringers maskMithril Chain shirt +1Amulet (Magical) → Natural Armor +1Rapier (Magical)→ +1 Human Bane → Elasar AlazarioPotion of Remove DeceasePotion of True Healing11 Breastplate +1→ all sold → 5500gp (added to common treasure)Scythe (magical)→ +1 Vicious (+2d6 on enemy 1d6 on self) → 4000gp
1 month Downtime
- 2200 gp each
Citadel Gifts
Shabidu is Blind
Ring of Evasion → Lucius Marius PomponiusAmulet of Health +4 (Large)→ Elasar Alazario2 Kukri (Magical, Large) → +1Ring of Protection +2 (Large)3 Potions of Cure Seroius3 Potions of Lesser Restoration2 Kukri (Magical) → +1 Shock2 Javelins of Lightning2 Potions of Cure Serious2 Potions of Gaseous Form → Used- 2800 gp each
4 Cloak of Resistance +1- 4 Red Mantis Masks. Powers: See Invisibility, Dark Vision, Death Watch or Perception +5 - 3 Uses/day
Decanter of endless water, 3 commands - (fresh, salt) → Tertieal2 Scrolls - clairvoyance → Zyriah2 Scrolls - Sending → Zyriah2 Scrolls - Dimensional Door → Zyriah1 Cloak of Resistance +3 → Lucius Marius PomponiusScabbard of Keen Edges 3/day → ZonkDagger +1 Bane magic beasts (+3 +2d6) → Elasar Alazariocrystal earrings2 sapphire cufflinkssymbol (godess) made of jewelry
Shoanti Camp
Belt of Physical Might (Dex +2 Con +2) → ZyriahPotion Cure Serious → Elasar AlazarioElixir of TruthWand Hold Person (19 charges) CL 5 (Arcane) → ZyriahRing of Protection +1 → Tertieal10 Cloak of Protection +1
Guard Tower
Great Sword Frost +1 Dragon Bane → ZonkBelt of Giant Strength +2 → Elasar AlazarioMithral Chain Shirt +1 → 1000gpAmulet of Natural Armor +1 → Zyriah6 Great Ax +1 → 6000gp6 Brest Plate +1 → 3600gp6 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds1 MW Composite Long Bow Mighty +5 Lucius Marius Pomponius5 MW Composite Short Bow Mighty +5 → 1500gpFull Plate +1 → 1300gpBelt of Giant Strength +2 → Lucius Marius PomponiusLance +2 → 3000gpFull Plate Barding +1 → 3000gp
+2 Fullplate+1 Tower shield+1 Holy cold iron longsword → Lucius Marius PomponiusLight Mace +2 Icy Burst → Elasar AlazarioRod of Splendor (Cha +4 m.m.) → ZyriahScarab of Protection (fully charged), spell resistance 20, absorberar en massa grejer → Lucius Marius PomponiusLantern of Revealing (hooded lantern, reveals invisible creatures) → TertiealControlling circlet for a skeleton warriorTalking head (magic mouth)41 art objects (ej magiska)sålt200 gems (Zyriah: “worth 20–200 gold each”) (värt 17000–19000 guld)Yxa +1 och breastplate +1 från orcledaresåltHalf plate +2Greatsword +1, lawful outsider bane→ ZonkChain mail +3, smallStaff of Necromancy→ Zyriah3x Greatsword MWHalberd MWBreastplate mithral→ Elasar AlazarioBattleaxe adamantineLong sword +1 holy cold ironSustaining spoon19 gemstones = 4750 gpHeavy pick +3 Aberation bane (small) = 16160 gpFullplate +1 = 1250
Treasure to all
- Platina: 25 (Ustalav) + 23
- Gold: 3031
- Silver: 5
- Copper:
- Gems:
- Diamond dust: 10000
- Bag of holding typ 2 (500 lb)
- Saddlbags: 6 st
- Backpacks: 10 st
- Transport: 80.000 coins per teleport
- 3 cracked garnets