Pathfinder Character Sheet

Character Information

Character Name [Character Name Here]
Player Name [Player Name Here]
Class & Level [Class & Level Here]
Race [Race Here]
Alignment [Alignment Here]
Deity [Deity Here]
Size [Size Here]
Age [Age Here]
Gender [Gender Here]
Height [Height Here]
Weight [Weight Here]
Homeland [Homeland Here]
Hair Color [Hair Color Here]
Eye Color [Eye Color Here]


  • Common
  • [Additional Language Here]
  • [Additional Language Here]


Ability Score Modifier Temp Score Temp Modifier
Strength (STR)
Constitution (CON)
Dexterity (DEX)
Intelligence (INT)
Wisdom (WIS)
Charisma (CHA)


Class Level Hit Die Skill Ranks Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save
Rouge 1 8 12 1 0 1


Current XP Next Level

Feats & Special Abilities

  • Feat 1
  • Feat 2
  • Special Ability 1
Skill Ability Modifier Ranks Class Skill Misc Modifier Total
Acrobatics* DEX
Appraise INT
Bluff CHA
Climb* STR
Craft (specify) INT
Diplomacy CHA
Disable Device* DEX
Disguise CHA
Escape Artist* DEX
Fly* DEX
Handle Animal* CHA
Heal WIS
Intimidate CHA
Knowledge (Arcana)* INT
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)* INT
Knowledge (Engineering)* INT
Knowledge (Geography)* INT
Knowledge (History)* INT
Knowledge (Local)* INT
Knowledge (Nature)* INT
Knowledge (Nobility)* INT
Knowledge (Planes)* INT
Knowledge (Religion)* INT
Linguistics* INT
Perception WIS
Perform (specify) CHA
Profession (specify)* WIS
Ride* DEX
Sense Motive WIS
Sleight of Hand* DEX
Spellcraft* INT
Stealth* DEX
Survival WIS
Swim* STR
Use Magic Device* CHA


  • Equipment 1
  • Equipment 2


  • Note 1
  • Note 2


Max HP Temp HP Current HP Nonlethal Damage
Condition [ ] Dying [ ] Stable [ ] Unconscious


Initiative Total DEX Modifier Misc Modifier Temp Modifier

Combat & Attacks

Base Attack Bonus Melee Total Ranged Total CMB CMD


Name Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range Type Notes

(add additional rows as needed)


Type # Remaining Special Properties

(add additional rows as needed)


AC Total Armor Bonus Shield Bonus DEX Modifier Size Modifier Natural Armor Deflection Bonus Misc Modifier
Saving Throws Total Base Save Ability Modifier Magic Modifier Misc Modifier Temp Modifier
Resistances Damage Reduction Spell Resistance
Conditional Modifiers Evasion Improved Evasion Defensive Training Trap Sense
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]


Base Speed Speed with Armor Temp Speed Swim Speed Fly Speed Climb Speed

Combat Abilities

Name Uses Per Day Notes

(add additional rows as needed)

Combat Abilities Descriptions

  • Ability 1: [Description Here]
  • Ability 2: [Description Here]


Name Level Adjustment Notes

(add additional rows as needed)


Name Duration Notes

(add additional rows as needed)