MapTool is a very nice program by RPTools that we use for netplay.
RPTools Download Page:
Java 8
- MapTools stable release version:
- Kampanj-fil:
- Direktlänk:
- Rekommenderad Stack Size: 4 megabyte
Problem att starta maptools i Windows 10?
- Ladda ner .jar versonen av maptools
- Packa upp/extrahera *.zip filen
- Inne i den extraherade mappen skapa en en textfil som heter Launch maptools som innehåller detta:
start "" java -Xmx1024M -Xss4M -jar maptool- run
- Launch maptools ska alltså ligga i samma mapp som filen maptool-
- Starta MapTools genom att dubbelklicka .bat filen
(Skillnad mot tidigare anropar man java inte javaw)
Java 7
Campaign File
- 91.08 Pathfinder, Java 7:
Java 6
Current Version we are using:
OBSERVE: This is not the latest build
You have to run Java 6 to make it work.
- – Java 6 update 43
Campaign File
- Use a 1024MB Memory for when you launch MapTools
- Use a 4MB stack for when you launch MapTools (the default batch file is just 512KB so is insufficient).
- Connect to server:
- (Röjne)
- (Perkko)
- If you get Java error after updating java to java7 its because MapTools can not run on java7 for now.
- To fix this you need to make sure MapTools is using java6. Instructions:
- In short you need to edit the mt.cfg file and change the line that starts with JVM= to:
- JVM=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw for 64 bit windows
- JVM=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw for 32 bit windows
- Alternatively you can change the batch file
- “C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw” -Xmx1024M -Xss2M -jar maptool-*.jar run
Windows 10 & maptool-1.3.b91
- Download and install Java 7 uppdate 65 (x64):
- Download the currently used MapTools:
- Start the launcher-#####.jar file by doubble clicking it.
- Change language to english on the seccond tab if it looks weird. Quit program and restart to take affect.
- On Basic tab: Set the three fields to: 1024, 256 and 4
- On Advanced tab: Click select Java catalouge. On a standard installation of Java 7 this is:
- c:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\
- Now you should be able to Launch Maptools
- To increase the Memory limits on Maptools for Mac you have to edit the info.plist
- To access this file right click on the app and select Show Packet Content The file is right there.
- Open the file with a Plist editor or a text editor like Smultron or TextWraggler
- Find the Key WMOptions
- Change the Value/String to -Xmx768m -Xss4m (it works for me)
MapTool D&D3.5 Pathfinder Campaign Macros
A MapTool campaign file that contains all possible kinds of functioning scripts: Initiative, weapon rolls, skill checks, saves, different character states with graphics (flying, bleeding, prone, sleeping, stunned, etc.)
- Library Token Help:
Maptools script to roll character stats
[H: output = "Rolls: "] [H: bonusplus = 0] [H: bonusminus = 0] [H: bonustotal = 0] [H: numodd = 0] [H, FOR(cnt, 0, 6), CODE: { [H:Roll1=1d6] [H:Roll2=1d6] [H:Roll3=1d6] [H:Roll4=1d6] [H:Lowest = min(Roll1,Roll2,Roll3,Roll4)] [H:Total = Roll1 + Roll2 + Roll3 + Roll4 - Lowest] [H, IF(mod(Total,2)==1): numodd = numodd + 1] [H:Bonus = floor(Total / 2) -5 ] [H, IF(Bonus > 0): bonusplus = bonusplus + bonus] [H, IF(Bonus < 0): bonusminus = bonusminus + bonus] [H:bonustotal = bonustotal + bonus] [H: output = output + "<br />"] [H: output = output + Roll1 + " + "] [H: output = output + Roll2 + " + "] [H: output = output + Roll3 + " + "] [H: output = output + Roll4 + " -> <b>"] [H: output = output + Total + "</b> ["] [H, IF(Bonus > 0): output = output + "+"] [H: output = output + Bonus + "]"] }] [H: output = output + " = <b>+"] [H: output = output + bonusplus + "/"] [H: output = output + bonusminus + " => "] [H, IF(bonustotal > 0): output = output + "+"] [H: output = output + bonustotal + "</b> ["] [H: output = output + numodd + " udda]"] [R: outputTo("all", output)]
MapTool Graphics for DM's
Torrent containing 2,7 GB mapping and cartographic objects to be used in MapTool:
Best PC-program to download torrent files with is uTorrent: