Treasures Found
Stålspegel–> Tal
Röda läderstövlar–> 21
MW Silverdolk–> 21
2 x manackles + keys
Levande öga
Magic dagger +1–> 42
Potion Cure light–> 42
“Handy Haversack”–> 66
Phylactery of faithfullness
Pearl of power 1–> 18
Pearl necklace
Wand of lesser restoration 7 charges–> 18
2x Scroll cure light (lvl 1)–> 18
2x Sunrods–> 66
4 x Potion cure light–> 18, 21, 42 och 66
2 x Amulet natural armour +1–> 42 och 18
Gold ring
2 x Thunderstone–> 66 och 21
6x Alchemist fire
Brooch of shielding (101)–> 66
2 x vial of alchemist kindness(baksmälla)
2 x soothe syrup (äckelmagad)
4 x Antitoxin
2 x Opioider
Magnifying glass–> Zin
Candle of spirit protection
- Insence of open thought (telepatisk kontakt, 3500 gp)
Greater talisman of benifitial wind (feather fall)–> Zin
Lesser talisman of warrior's courage–> Zin
2 x scroll remove paralysis–> Tal
- Records Ulver Sandalus
- 6 x pearls
- Visitkort, Thrushmore
Short sword +2 “Red destiny”–> Zin
Silver sheen
Oil of align weapon
Leather shoes
Millair signet ring
Potion of Bull's strength–> Pelz
Potion of Protection from Evil–> Tal
Cloak protection +1–> Zin
Erotic literature
2 x Potion cure light–> Peltz
Healing Kit
Wand Command 38 charges
Elixir of Truth
Scroll Summon Monster III–> Zin
- Book, Chain of nights
+1 Wood armour–> Peltz
6 Potion of Cure Light
3 Potion of Barkskin
2 Potion of Hide from Animals
4 Vials of Belladonna
6 Doses of Blood root (poison)
10 Doses of Flayleaf (drug +2 save vs Mind affecting, -Wis, Fatigue)
1 Dose of Malleat root (poison)
4 Doses of “Powder”Chain shirt +1–> Pelz
Amulet mighty fists +1
Wand Cure light 33 charges–> Tal
- Magistrates journal
- Scroll Blink, Cat's grace, Remove disease, Silent image, Zone of truth
Wooden armor +1
- 8x MW Longsword
- 6x MW Longbow
Headband Alluring Charisma +2–> Tal
2x Potion cure miderate
MW Trident
- 3x pearls
- Table ware
Cloak of elvenkind–> Tal
Dagger +1 returning–> Zin
Short sword +1
Short Sword +1–> Pelz
Amulet of natural armour +1–> Jin
- 20x Tinder twigs
- 2x Night Drops 5 doses
- 2x Oil of Magic weapon +1
2x Cure light
2x Potion of Vanish
2x Chain shirt
- Heavy Mithral shield
Community Funds
Platinum 9
Gold 2291
Silver 164
Copper 943