
Friedrich Reinhessen

Current Career Journeyman Wizard
Previous Careers Apprentice Wizard
Age 21
Weight 190 lbs (86 kg)
Height 5′6″ (168 cm)
Birthplace Hochland

“Friedrich was brought up on a root vegetable farm in the heart of Hochland. The youngest of three sons, he wasn't brought up to take over the family business. While his knack with numbers was utilised to a certain extent, he was more or less left to his own whims.”

5 5 5+10+20+25+20 +3 +2
41656241 12 2

Basic Skills

Advanced Skills
Common Knowledge (the Empire)
Speak Language (Reikspiel)
Academic knowledge (Magic)
Magical Sense
Speak arcane (Magic)
Speak classical

Acute hearing (+20 listen)
Savvy (I +5)
Petty magic (Arcane)
Very Resilient (T +5)
Aethyric attunement (+10 Channelling/Magical sense)

Ragnar Gudman

Age 33, Initiate
Blue eyes. Black hair. Height 5'11 '. Weight 155 lb. Huge nose. Born in the sign of the Great Cross and raised on a small farm in Wissenland. Has older 2 siblings, Richter who died in conflict with chaos in the north together with my sister's husband Leif. My widowed sister Greta has now run the farm and the care of our ailing parents. Became a novitiate of Sigmar's cult early in life advocated by the local priest. Later recruited to the feared Order of the Flame. As one of the three major orders, it is not well-known to the general public. It protects the empire from corruption, charged to search and destroy Chaos dark seeds wherever they are. Although most empire citizens have never heard of the order, without its protection, the Empire may have fallen to the Dark Powers centuries ago.

Experience points
Current: 30
Total: 1435

Current Career: Priest

WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
52 33 41 32 24 36 36 24
+10 +10 +5 +5 +5 +10 +20 +15
57 38 37 46 51 34
1 11 4 3 3 0 0 2
+4 +1
13 2
Completed Careers WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W Mag
Initiate (p.41) +10 +5 +5 +10 +10 +10 +2
Career Exits WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W Mag
Barber Surgeon (p.32) +5 +10 +10 +10 +10 +2
Demagouge (p.66) +10 +10 +10 +15 +20 +15 +30 +1 +4
Priest (p.81) +10 +10 +5 +5 +5 +10 +20 +15 +4 +1
Future Career Exits WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W Mag
Anointed Priest (p.61) +15 +15 +10 +10 +10 +15 +25 +20 +1 +5 +2
High Priest (p.72) +20 +20 +15 +15 +15 +20 +30 +25 +1 +6 +3
Witch Hunter (p.87) +30 +30 +15 +15 +15 +15 +35 +20 +2 +6
Career Skills (p.91) Talents (p.96) Trappings
Barber Surgeon (p.32) Charm, Drive or Swim, Haggle, Heal, Perception, Read/Write, Speak Language (Breton, Reikspiel, or Tilean), Trade (Apothecary) Resistance to Disease or Savvy (+5 Int), Suave (+5 Fel) or Very Resilient (+5 T), Surgery Trade Tools (Barber-Surgeon) (50 g)
Demagouge (p.66) Academic Knowledge (History), Academic Knowledge (Law), Blather, Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Concealment, Disguise, Dodge Blow, Gossip, Intimidate, Perception, Speak Language (Reikspiel) Etiquette or Streetwise, Master Orator, Public Speaking, Street Fighting Light Armour (Leather Jack and Leather Skullcap)
Priest (p.81) Academic Knowledge (any one), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (any two), Gossip, Heal, Magical Sense, Perception, Read/Write, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (any two) Armoured Caster or Master Orator, Petty Magic (Divine), Strike to Injure or Strike to Stun Prayer Book (350 g), Writing Kit (10g)
Anointed Priest (p.61) Academic Knowledge (any two), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (any two), Gossip, Heal, Magical Sense, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (any two) Aethyric Attunement or Meditation, Armoured Casting or Fast Hands, Divine Lore (any one), Lesser Magic (any two), Seasoned Traveller or Strike Mighty Blow Noble’s Garb
High Priest (p.72) Academic Knowledge (any three), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (any two), Gossip, Heal, Intimidate, Magical Sense, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (any three) Aethyric Attunement or Meditation, Armoured Casting or Mighty Missile, Etiquette, Fast Hands or Strong-minded, Lesser Magic (any two) Religious Relic
Witch Hunter (p.87) Academic Knowledge (Magic), Academic Knowledge (Necromancy), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Gossip, Intimidate, Perception, Ride, Search, Silent Move, Speak Language (any one) Lightning Parry, Lightning Reflexes or Marksman, Menacing, Public Speaking, Sixth Sense, Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow), Specialist Weapon Group (Entangling), Specialist Weapon Group (Throwing), Stout-hearted, Strike Mighty Blow Crossbow Pistol with 10 bolts, Best Craftsmenship Hand Weapon, 4 Throwing Knives/Stars, Heavy Armour (Full Plate Armour), 10 Yards of Rope

Basic Skills
Charm (Fel)
Gossip (Fel)
Perception (Int)

Advanced Skills
Academic Knowledge (Astrology) (Int)
Academic Knowledge (Theology) (Int)
Common Knowledge (The Empire) +10% (Int)
Heal (Int)
Read & Write (Int)
Speak Language (Classical) (Int)
Speak Language (Reikspiel) (Int)
Speak Language (Magick) (Int)
Channelling (WP)

Public Speaking
Resistance to Poison
Sixth Sense
Very Strong
Warrior Born


Full Leather
Mail Shirt
Mail Coif

Kurt Steiner

Current Career Sergeant
Previous Careers Militiaman
Age 21
Weight 160 lbs (73 kg)
Height 5′8″ (173 cm)
Star Sign The Two Bullocks
Siblings Karl 23, Willy 17, Herman 13, Rebekka 5 (all deceased)
Birthplace Schweinhofen, Ostland

“It was my baby sister Rebekka’s birthday. I remember how she smiled at us, and how happy she was about the new rag doll that Mom had made for her. That same afternoon, the hordes of Chaos swept through Ostland and destroyed our village. My brothers, like the rest of our ragtag militia, were massacred. It was utter carnage on the streets. A team of panicked horses finally ran me over and I was flung to the ground, face down in the mud. When I came to, no one in Schweinhofen was alive anymore, not even my Rebekka. I can still see her, so damn little and helpless, clutching her rag doll as the walls of our burning house collapse around her. She was five years old that day. The worst day.”

WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
44† 30¹ 35¹ 39² 38² 27 36² 34
+20 +15 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +20
64 35 40 49 48 27 46 34
11† 4 3 4 3
+1 +4
2 15 4 4 3 2

† = 4

Basic Skills
Animal Care
Gossip +10%
Outdoor Survival

Advanced Skills
Common Knowledge (the Empire)
Dodge Blow
Speak Language (Reikspiel)
Trade (Carpenter)

Specialist Weapon Group (Two-handed)
Strike Mighty Blow
Very Strong

Drong Orzadson

Dwarf – Mercenary


Halfling – Rogue

Wulf Wagner

Age Age, Initiate

Experience points
Current: XX
Total: xxxx

Current Career: Priest

WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+00 +00 +0 +0 +0 +00 +00 +00
00 00 00 00 00 00
1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0
+0 +0
00 0
Completed Careers WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W Mag
Initiate (p.41) +10 +5 +5 +10 +10 +10 +2
Career Exits WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W Mag
Barber Surgeon (p.32) +5 +10 +10 +10 +10 +2
Demagouge (p.66) +10 +10 +10 +15 +20 +15 +30 +1 +4
Priest (p.81) +10 +10 +5 +5 +5 +10 +20 +15 +4 +1
Future Career Exits WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W Mag
Anointed Priest (p.61) +15 +15 +10 +10 +10 +15 +25 +20 +1 +5 +2
High Priest (p.72) +20 +20 +15 +15 +15 +20 +30 +25 +1 +6 +3
Witch Hunter (p.87) +30 +30 +15 +15 +15 +15 +35 +20 +2 +6
Career Skills (p.91) Talents (p.96) Trappings
xx (p.00) xx xx xx (xx g)
xx (p.66) Academic Knowledge (History), Academic Knowledge (Law), Blather, Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Concealment, Disguise, Dodge Blow, Gossip, Intimidate, Perception, Speak Language (Reikspiel) Etiquette or Streetwise, Master Orator, Public Speaking, Street Fighting Light Armour (Leather Jack and Leather Skullcap)
xx (p.81) Academic Knowledge (any one), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (any two), Gossip, Heal, Magical Sense, Perception, Read/Write, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (any two) Armoured Caster or Master Orator, Petty Magic (Divine), Strike to Injure or Strike to Stun Prayer Book (350 g), Writing Kit (10g)
xx (p.61) Academic Knowledge (any two), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (any two), Gossip, Heal, Magical Sense, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (any two) Aethyric Attunement or Meditation, Armoured Casting or Fast Hands, Divine Lore (any one), Lesser Magic (any two), Seasoned Traveller or Strike Mighty Blow Noble’s Garb
xx (p.72) Academic Knowledge (any three), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channelling, Charm, Common Knowledge (any two), Gossip, Heal, Intimidate, Magical Sense, Ride or Swim, Speak Arcane Language (Magick), Speak Language (any three) Aethyric Attunement or Meditation, Armoured Casting or Mighty Missile, Etiquette, Fast Hands or Strong-minded, Lesser Magic (any two) Religious Relic
Witch Hunter (p.87) Academic Knowledge (Magic), Academic Knowledge (Necromancy), Academic Knowledge (Theology), Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (the Empire), Gossip, Intimidate, Perception, Ride, Search, Silent Move, Speak Language (any one) Lightning Parry, Lightning Reflexes or Marksman, Menacing, Public Speaking, Sixth Sense, Specialist Weapon Group (Crossbow), Specialist Weapon Group (Entangling), Specialist Weapon Group (Throwing), Stout-hearted, Strike Mighty Blow Crossbow Pistol with 10 bolts, Best Craftsmenship Hand Weapon, 4 Throwing Knives/Stars, Heavy Armour (Full Plate Armour), 10 Yards of Rope

Basic Skills
Charm (Fel)
Gossip (Fel)
Perception (Int)

Advanced Skills
Academic Knowledge (Astrology) (Int)
Academic Knowledge (Theology) (Int)
Common Knowledge (The Empire) +10% (Int)
Heal (Int)
Read & Write (Int)
Speak Language (Classical) (Int)
Speak Language (Reikspiel) (Int)
Speak Language (Magick) (Int)
Channelling (WP)

Public Speaking
Resistance to Poison
Sixth Sense
Very Strong
Warrior Born


Full Leather
Mail Shirt
Mail Coif

Karl Helmsman


Age Age, Initiate

Experience points
Current: XX
Total: 1550

Current Career: Scout

WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel
30 49 27 25 39 36 37 31
+20 +20 +10 +15 +25 +20 +15 +00
40 64 32 30 49 41 32 31
1 11 0 0 4 2
1 14 3 3 4 1
Completed Careers WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W Mag
warden (p.41) +10 +10 +5 +10 +5 +5 +2
Career Exits WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W Mag
xx 0 0 0 0 0 0
xx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xx +10 +10 +5 +5 +5 +10 +20 +15 +4 +1
Future Career Exits WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W Mag
xx +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
xx +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
xx +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Career Skills (p.91) Talents (p.96) Trappings
xx (p.00) xx xx xx (xx g)
xx (p.66) xx xx
xx (p.81) xx xx

Basic Skills
Charm (Fel)
Gossip (Fel)
Perception (Int)

Advanced Skills





Gottcon 19–22 oktober 2017

Handout 1

Gottcon 10–13 maj 2018


An offer from the local Toll Keeper.

Handout 2

Handout 3

Gottcon 15–18 november 2018


Frau Gertrudt and her missing chicken.

Old man Eysen.

Lucas and Lennhardt von Speier.

The Vampire.

The Reaper’s Bounty.

Father Johannes and Nils.

Lorinoc and the Wood Elves.

Handout 5

Handout 6

Handout 7

Gottcon 14–17 februari 2019

JW 50

The town of Gootten.

We came to an agreement to aid the Wood Elves in their endeavour to kill Karl. We were asked to survey the camp. After receiving our report, they said they’d create a diversion and then do the dirty deed on their own. We were asked to control the detained priest of Sigmar and his novice helper in sight of the camp. Before the Elves had time to infiltrate the camp, we were attacked by an Undead hoard. Friedrich could overhear the leader of the attack mentioning that the attack should be called off because his master said it was enough of a diversion. If this implies that it was part of the Elves’ plan is unclear; why would they use forces of evil and why not inform us of their plans? We fought most of the Zombies and Ghouls but were succoured by troops from the camp that had heard the clamour of the raging battle. The two Elves that had been part of the battle escaped as soon as the troops arrived. We were “persuaded” to join the troops in their return to the camp.

Father Helmut and Karl.

Lord Eisenbach.


Captain Krieger.

The grisly remains of a mutated sheep in the woods.

Friedrich overhears a secret meeting between our pursuer and the butcher (a spellcaster, “report to the master”).

Captain Krieger and his thirty guards are being set up and killed, presumably by Vanderpeer.

Gottcon 24–27 oktober 2019

The Crusade reaches Altdorf, but the authorities there refuse us to enter the city.

Vanderpeer takes Karl with him and slips into Altdorf unseen.

Vanderpeer and his men (disguised as witch hunters) torture and murder Ansel Vorman, the vigilante known as the Vengeance of Sigmar.

Evidence in one of Vorman’s journals points to Ruhrhoff, a small village in Hochland about 350 miles northeast of Altdorf.

The Necklace of Unfailing Loyalty.

While making preparations to travel to Ruhrhoff on a river barge, we are suddenly being attacked by witch hunters.

Handout 10

Handout 12

Handout 14

Gottcon 6–9 februari 2020

“Tobias” = Vanderpeer?

“Ruprecht” = Ruprecht Hahn, the cult’s leader.

We discover that the village of Ruhrhoff has been razed to the ground and does not exist anymore. Uli Ghetz, the store owner in nearby Kietchdorf, gives us directions to Villa Hahn, an abandoned and allegedly haunted manor near Wolfenburg in Ostland.

Villa Hahn. A Beast of Nurgle and its daughter, a young burglar, the ghost of Ruprecht’s mother (“Kill the killer!”), and a hideous mutant lurking in the wine cellar (Ruprecht’s father?).

We search the manor. The taint of Chaos is apparent in every room. We find three journals, two by Ruprecht Hahn and one by his brother Erich. According to the journals, Ruprecht’s secret temple is hidden somewhere within the hedge maze on the grounds outside.

Handout 16

Handout 17

Handout 18

Handout 19

Järvcon 17–18 oktober 2020

Showdown at Hahn’s underground temple. Unexpected guests. During the ensuing fight, the ritual is disrupted and Vanderpeer is killed. Hahn flees and takes Karl with him.

Hahn sets sail for Talabheim. We follow him downriver in a stolen river boat.

Talabheim, the Eye of the Forest. Magistrate Hohenlohe. We escort refugees to repopulate the village of Breitblatt. A grisly murder.

Kurt, and later Ragnar as well, begins to show noticeable signs of illness.

Flagellants, “the Bringers of the Light”, are running amok in the streets.

Janko and the giant rats.

The temple of Shallya: “We’re out of options and we need your help!”

The murdered body of the herbalist Gotthard Widenhoft:
A peculiar-looking dagger.
A book (“The Plague and the Principality”). The Pale Shivers.
“In the water it was, but why? Only tempor…”
A bowl of water. A wooden box with silvery powder (“river extract”). A glass tube of bluish liquid.
“Here is the sample of which we spoke. Tell no one, Widenhoft. Work with all speed. Taal preserve us. R. Nierhaus.”
“Talabec, one bell after dawn.”
“Not an inoculant, an antidote.”

Captain Rudolph Nierhaus, commander of the High Watch garrison: “Seek out the apothecary Daubler!”

Eladio the Estalian. The Dragon’s Tongue. Three Skaven Plague Monks.

The Three Apples Inn. Kurt’s condition is getting worse. At the demand of Wanda the landlady, he gets to stay in his room while the others go out to find the apothecary.

Ulthvas Daubler. Rusty Remedies.

Gottcon 12–15 maj 2022

We all receive one dose of Daubler’s antidote. Kurt and Ragnar quickly recover.

While collecting the remains of deceased townspeople, we are told that the number of dead bodies seems to be lesser than it should be, as if someone has taken them away already.

Hundreds of plague-ridden Skaven attack the city at night. During the carnage, Kurt rescues a frightened young girl who is clutching a doll in the street outside.

Ljuscon 30 mars–2 april 2023

Karl Helmsman.

The Black Bull Inn.

“Liber Mortis” by Van Heel (a book on necromancy).

Zombies in the park. Paul Van Zolleck, a young boy about fifteen years old, suddenly appears and destroys the undead with his touch (a priest of Mórr?): “This is nothing, the true t[?] will come, run while you can.”

The undead corpses, some of them crafted from stitched-together body parts, are all marked with a “G”. We notice the same signature on a nearby statue (“The Cruel Judge”). The signature belongs to Gugulia Skel, a doctor and a necromancer (“in service of the Steel Eye”).

Christopher Baumer.

“Skel is a pawn of the Skaven”
“Azur[?] Steel Eye”
“Nellrich the Repu[?]”

A second, and more powerful, faction of Skaven attacks the city, emerging en masse from the tunnels below.

The battle at Sigmar’s Temple. Rat ogres, gunpowder weapons and poison globes. We are cut down, defeated to the last man by an endless stream of Chaos filth. We wake up later, stunned and surprised to be alive after the previous horrors. In the great hall below, still wielding his hammer, poor Ragnar lies dead on the floor.

Father Günther. Each one of us receives a lucky charm.

Kurt, heartbroken and severely wounded from a crippling blow to his head, staggers as he carries Ragnar’s dead body, solemnly putting his old friend to rest in the empty seat of Sigmar’s mighty throne.

Motherfuckers. They will pay.

Ljuscon 26–29 oktober 2023

The destruction of the Obelisk of Laws. Countess Elise: “I hear and obey, Master.”

Azurath, a powerful Grey Seer, has set up his headquarters in the Law District.

Gugulia Skel now lives in the Countess’ home.

Nellrich and his Skaven have all been locked up in the Tallows. Perhaps Nellrich can be persuaded to join us against Azurath?

The garrison at Myrmidia’s Temple is under siege. Colonel Manuel Batista: “Go to Dankerood for help. Get information about their plans there, and what we should do.”

The Dwarves in Stonehome, a location within the Law District, are still resisting as well.

Dragon’s Home has been sealed off and barricaded by the Skaven. The ratmen are building something on the inside.

On our way to Dankerood, outside a small village, we encounter an old man and two young children. The man’s body is covered in unnatural boils, and the children walk towards us with knives in their hands. The Mark of Chaos is clearly upon them. We leave and do not enter the village.

General Jörg Haffner, commander in Dankerood:
“What is your plan? What du you need, and what can I get you?”
“There is gunpowder in the quarry.”
“I will bring you a demolitions expert.”
“Seek out De Boer, a reclusive magician living in Taalgarten, and ask him to make poison.”

In Vatereshe, a village just north of Dankerood, we are joined by four local volunteers (Günther, Mark, Peter, and Darla). We also receive four bottles of moonshine each.

Going back to Talabheim, we place the remains of Christopher Baumer in a nearby graveyard dedicated to Mórr.

We reach Taalgarten and the Conservation of Roses, a building hidden behind a magic hedge. De Boer: “Yes, I can arrange that. Come back in a few days, the poison will be ready then.”

Stöckon 9–12 maj 2024

De Boer: “Go away fool, I am not done yet!”

Gugulia Skel keeps to herself in the Countess’ home. According to our Skaven prisoner, there are no ratmen there. They seem to be afraid of her.

Somewhere between Nordgate and the Old Market we confront Sparker, Azurath’s second-in-command, in a bloody fight. Sparker manages to escape. Later, while we are back in Vatereshe, he sends an assassin to kill us in our sleep. The murder attempt fails, but Sparker obviously knows who and where we are.

Joe Steele, about the recently burned village of Irstadt:
“Once my cousin discovered gutted cows lying about there, and there was this strange glow.” Did the Skaven attack the village to get warpstone?

The four spies:
“Karsta Sheidt, a baker held as a slave labourer in the Old Market by the Skaven.” Perhaps she can distribute the poison manufactured by De Boer? But how do we contact her?
“The Skaven are building giant catapults.” We are not sure about their reason, but perhaps it is for attacking the Imperial Army, rumoured to be advancing towards Talabheim? Or for taking out the defenders of Myrmidia’s Temple and Stonehome?

Grunni, a Dwarven demolitions expert, is sent to us by Haffner in Dankerood. We have fifteen kegs of gunpowder, plus the ones Grunni brought himself.

Stöckon 21–24 november 2024

Together with Walther Gopfert, we have an audience with Nelrich the Suppurater, the Skaven leader and plague priest who is currently locked up in the Tallows along with his remaining troops. We explain that we are going to retake the city, and get rid of Asorak and his clan. Nelrich agrees to help us in the coming fight.

At the Grand Manor, we manage to kill the necromancer Gugula Skell and her undead minions. It is a very bloody affair, and Kurt for one is certain that he will not survive. At the last moment, a well-aimed rock from Axel, followed by yet another one of Friedrich’s mighty blasts, finally put the twisted woman down for good. There is no time to explore the house though, since Asorak surely must know what has happened by now. We escape over the wall, and can only watch as thirty or so Ratmen come storming through the main gate.

The four scouts report back that Carsta Scheidt, the slave, has been informed and is ready to distribute the poison on our command. Two of the scouts are then sent to Dankerood with a message to General Haffner, while the remaining two get to stay in the city to gather further information.

A few days later, on our second trip to Dankerood, we stop by at De Boer’s greenhouse where we are attacked by a pack of mangy-looking Rat Wolves. When he eventually comes out to greet us, De Boer says that the poison will be ready in three days.

In Dankerood, we discuss our plans with Haffner. He tells us that the Imperial Army should be here in ten days, a force of twenty thousand men. We want to contact the besieged Dwarves in Stonehome, and we ask Grunni for help. Grunni, who is trying out his new cannon, mentions that there is a secret passage from Kador’s Jewelry, a nearby shop, that we can try.